Thanks for stopping by!

If you're easily amused like me, feel free to make the fishies at the bottom of my page chase after your mouse! Or, play a game of Tetris! It's addictive fun! ^_^



Here is a picture of some of the candles I made! This was the first couple of batches. :)

CANDLES!! And more knit scarves!!

First, I would like to profusely apologize to all my loyal fans and customers for not posting for a while!! It's been a busy time of year with the cold fronts coming through on a nearly-regular basis!! :D
On the new front, I have started making, yes, candles!! I've made some large octagons, votives, tea lights, and what I like to call "Tea Light Double Shots". They're between the sizes of tea lights and votives, and fit in votive holders and most tea light holders. They can be bought separately as well as with holders, I'll update with more information on the next craft show I do if you want to come by and buy!! ^_^
As far as scarves go, as I said it was busy because of the cold fronts, but most were made as gifts for friends and family. I have a tentative order for the Taylor High School cheer squad, so hopefully that will work out and I will be able to make matching scarves in school colors for the cheer team! That will be really exciting if it comes through!
I will post pictures of my candles under "Other Crafty Things" shortly! ^_^