Thanks for stopping by!

If you're easily amused like me, feel free to make the fishies at the bottom of my page chase after your mouse! Or, play a game of Tetris! It's addictive fun! ^_^


I visited Sugar Land Yarn Co. today for the first time, and it was awesome! They have some amazing yarns of all different types and colors! It's so beautiful! One of the owners actually told me about a website called Ravelry and it's SO COOL!! You can put pictures and descriptions of your projects, completed, in process, and even the ones you haven't even started yet but have pending! I have put a lot of stuff on there just today! It's great! ^_^ I love the virtual orginization of all my to-do projects I have planned as Christmas presents this year! Hehe! I'm s-t-i-l-l not finished with baby Aurora's blanket. Lol! It's taking for-e-ver! Ah! ^_^