Thanks for stopping by!

If you're easily amused like me, feel free to make the fishies at the bottom of my page chase after your mouse! Or, play a game of Tetris! It's addictive fun! ^_^


Lucky 13 site is up!!

Okay everyone, here's what you've been waiting for! LUCKY13 's website is officially up!! Each scarf is $13, with the exception of the Dawning Fire scarf with added fringe, which is $18. Seriously! All these scarves are under twenty bucks!! UNBELIEVABLE!! Check 'em out here:
And enjoy!!! ^_^



It's that time again!! I have 4 more spots open for scarf orders just in time for Christmas!! Know someone who you want to give a personalized, hand-knit scarf to for Christmas? Or do you just want one for yourself?? (You know you do!!) ^_^ Comment NOW if you want to order one!!
Basic Sugar Scarf: $45 (61 inches long)
Add Fringe: $5
*Add one initial in one end of the scarf: $5
*available only with certain yarns
**LUCKY 13 line of scarves: ALL $13 !!
**Lucky 13(tm) scarves are pre-made, approximately 50 inches long. See LUCKY 13 website**


New Site, almost ready!

Well, with help from my best friend, I and getting a working website dedicated to selling scarves set up! In the beginning I will only have the Lucky 13 line up and available, but I'm hoping to expand to a few of the staples from Sugar Scarves as well, like the Leah and the Terri scarves. :) I'm really excited about that! Also, only 3 more days until I take my Lucky 13 line on the road to Corpus Christi for Realmscon!! ^_^ I am excited to see what the showroom is all about, and to learn from my friend from Rowans Originals how to sell at a convention! :D Other than that, I guess there's not much else going on. I have 4 more commissions for Christmas scarves to make, and then the post Christmas scarf orders will be open again! ^_^ Search for me on Facebook "Z's Threadz and Thingz" for more updates and specials! ^_^


New, new, new!! Scarf, scarf, scarves!!

Hello all!I have a few announcements to make, so here goes... :P
First of all, a co-worker was selling a bunch of cute furniture, so I offered to buy it. Well, there was someone else interested, so I made her a deal she couldn't refuse... A personalized scarf, named after her! :D It's to be deemed the "Bindu Scarf". Also, in sanskrit, Bindu, means "the point at which begins creation", so in other words, it's "The Point of Creation" Scarf! How cool is that? I love it! She designed it herself, with three vertical stripes, instead of the common horizontal stripes as seen in all my other scarves. SO, I get awesome furniture, and Bindu gets her own line of scarves!! :D Deal of the century, I say! ^_^ (Also, the word "Bindu" also means "the sacred symbol of the cosmos in its unmanifested state". How neat!)
Next, my friend Kimberly, of Rowan's Originals, invited me to join her at Realmscon in Corpus Christi in October! She's going to let me share her booth for my very first mass selling experience! Ah! I am so excited! I will be knitting like crazy to make enough "stock" to put up for sale at the con!
And to segue into my final announcement...
To sell my scarves at Realmscon, I am finally going to get my DBA!!! YAY! ^_^ This might seem small to some, but for me, this is a HUGE step! This will make my company, Z's Threadz and Thingz absolutely legit in all ways possible! I will be getting that in late August, so hopefully everything will be good to go for Realmscon in October!


Well, I gave the multi-colored "haute fur" scarf to Missouri City Police Department today for the auction! ^_^ I'm excited to see what it goes for! I'm also excited to help out an officer in need! After working with them for so long, I feel a connection to those in law enforcement, even those I don't personally know. We're one big family. ^_^
Anyway, I also had a friend at work ask me for a pink/black scarf, and it just so happens I have pink and black yarn I can use! :D So, I'll be starting hers in the next couple days! o_O
I also updated my, and realized how many scarves I've made in the past month or two! It's amazing how fast I'm getting at it while not paying attention!


Scarves, scarves, Scarves!!!

It feels so good accomplishing a goal! Even more so when you accomplish three goals in one week! ^_^ I finished a scarf for my boss, for my good friend Jess for her birthday this weekend, and another one I decided out of the blue to make! :P
I have been asked by my friend at the Missouri City Police Department to donate a scarf or shawl for an auction they are having for an Officer friend of theirs. I am going to try to make a shawl, and one of my goals that I completed is a new scarf for the auction. :) It's really pretty! Made with Yarn Bee Haute Fur, and is multi-colored and real pretty and fuzzy! ^_^ Pictures will be coming soon!!
Thanks to everyone who reads my blog!! I know it's not very often that I update, but I really appreciate everyone who actually takes the time to read and go through my pictures!! :D


I visited Sugar Land Yarn Co. today for the first time, and it was awesome! They have some amazing yarns of all different types and colors! It's so beautiful! One of the owners actually told me about a website called Ravelry and it's SO COOL!! You can put pictures and descriptions of your projects, completed, in process, and even the ones you haven't even started yet but have pending! I have put a lot of stuff on there just today! It's great! ^_^ I love the virtual orginization of all my to-do projects I have planned as Christmas presents this year! Hehe! I'm s-t-i-l-l not finished with baby Aurora's blanket. Lol! It's taking for-e-ver! Ah! ^_^


Baby Blanket!

I am almost finished with a new baby blanket I'm crocheting for a pair of friends! I can't wait 'til it's finished and I can gift them with it!! ^_^ It's going to be very similar to Sydnie's baby blanket (see "Other crafty things I've made") except instead of yellow and white it's pink and white since she knows she's having a girl. :) Also, I can't wait to finish it because that means I can get back to knitting my spring/summer scarf!! XD LOL! I can't wait to take it apart and re-start it! Well, I guess that's about it for today! Have a wonderful weekend, all!



So, I have found a new way to buy yarn, and those of you who know me will smack your forehead because I didn't think of this earlier... Internet. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the internet. DUH!! XD I should've been shopping online months ago! I found the alpaca I like to use on sale on JoAnn's website, so I bought enough to make two more Leah scarves, as well as finishing one up for my boss! I am working through a little project I'm crocheting right now, and then I'll get back to my boss's Leah scarf, as well as a new idea I started for a spring scarf. I'm so excited to get to it! I'm going to try cable knitting for the first time on the spring scarf.. I hope it works! And if all else fails, I can always take the stitches out and start over! :D That's the best thing about knitting, if you mess up, you can always take it out and do it again! ^_^
On that note, I was wearing my heather grey scarf at work the other day and it got snagged on some supplies! :( Fortunately, there wasn't TOO much damage, and I ended up cutting the pulled stitch in two, tying it together, and threading the ends back into the scarf.. Now it just has more personality! :D I've been thinking about weaving in some bright colors for spring into it... We'll see!
Oh yeah, and my mom got me this really awesome book called "Celebrity Scarves", it's so neat! It's about celebrities and the scarves they have knitted themselves, and it talks about how relaxing knitting is. I can't wait to read more of it! Thanks Mom! :D


Soft Pink and Cream

I finished my "Leah" scarf I've been working on just last night, and wore it to work today. When I showed it to my coworkers, one of them liked it so much she asked if I was selling it! :) So no more than 12 hours finished and it was already on it's way to a new loving owner! ^_^ I also got a request from my boss for a Leah scarf in denim, like the original! Haha! I don't know if I'll EVER get any scarves in stock since everyone keeps buying them! :D That's a problem I don't mind at all!
(Pictures coming soon of the pink Leah scarf!)


New Post! Hurrah!

Well! It's been a while since I've posted anything, I've been so busy! I've been working on a "Leah" style scarf, except instead of denim blue, I'm using a soft pink color. It looks great so far! It's my first of many to come to get some in stock for next winter! I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to get a bunch made before October this year, and open my Etsy shop! ^_^ SUPER EXCITED!! I also have gotten a bunch of t-shirts to make more nifty t-shirt scarves! Keep in mind, the t-shirt scarves are more of a fashion statement than to keep you warm. If you want to keep warm, you need one of my hand knitted scarves!! ;)
Check them out!! To the right! To the right!! ^.^


Today's Bloggy Blog

Just finished a child's scarf today for my classmate's son; plain black but a little bigger than the Sydnie scarf, and without the fringe, since it's for a little boy. :) Happy and excited to give it to her tonight! I've also sold a few more anime selections, thanks to all!! I raised quite a bit of money for my friend KK who was burglarized a while back, so I'm super happy about that! ^_^ It's still going on until I sell ALL my movies, so come one, come all, and buy them! :P They're all in mint condition and super freakin' cheap! :D
(Oh yeah, pics to be coming soon on my scarf page of the newest addition, the boys scarf.. Although it's modeled by Sydnie.) :P



Okay, here it is, guys, updated list of movies for sale!! They're going fast! =^_^= Thanks to everyone who's bought some so far! :D
(Remember, it's first come first serve! So let me know ASAP which one(s) you want so I can take them off the list so you're guaranteed to get it!)
$3 movies:
40 Year Old Virgin
Boiler Room
Falling Down
Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Knock Around Guys
Trick or Treat
War of the Worlds

$5 Movies:
Black Hawk Down

Sets for sale:
$5 per "set"
X-Men 1 and 2 (sold as set)
Chapelle's Show Uncensored Season 1 ***
Rocky Horror Picture Show 25th Anniversary Edition
Sealab:2021 Season 1
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 1

$15 Sets:
Family Guy - Volume 1
Family Guy - Volume 2
Family Guy - Volume 3
Family Guy - Volume 4
Family Guy - Volume 5

Most of these are collector's editions, and some are SUPER expensive if you buy them new. All of my dvd's are in New, or Collector's condition! I'm a collector, so I've kept them in perfect shape! ^_^ Check out my selection for sale!!

Anime Complete/Box Sets $30.00
Trinity Blood
Slayers - OVA Collection
Moon Phase (Box Set w/Guidebooks)
Gunslinger Girl
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie
Ah! My Goddess Complete Collection
Nadesico - Complete Chronicles - COLLECTIBLE CONDITION!!!
Nadesico The Motion Picture "Prince of Darkness" (Buy both Nadesico's together for $10 OFF!!)



T-shirt Tie Scarf

Vilma is modeling my new T-shirt Tie Scarf (see my photo gallery for more information).
As soon as I showed it to her, she told me "It's mine!!" ........ I don't think I'll be seeing it again. :P Another satisfied customer! ^_^


Superbowl Sunday

I was browsing the net today when I came across a nifty way to make fashion scarves! I tried it out, and they turned out great! :D I also figured a way to not waste any fabric from the scarves, and made my own style! Check it out on my "Scarves" photo gallery! ^_^
I have sold a ton of movies so far, thanks, guys!! But I still have a LOT left to sell! Pass the word along if anyone wants to buy some movies for super cheap!! Melinda even told me tonight, "These are a total steal, you know? You're selling these movies super cheap!" And it's true! You can't beat $3/movie, $5 sets, and who can forget Family Guy?? Box Set Volumes 1-5, all of which were watched only once, for $15!! If you buy more than one, I'll even knock the price down! Even Half Price Books doesn't sell movies in such great condition and for this cheap! ^_^
Check my list below! =^_^=

Word of the Day:
Excogitate (eks-koj-i-teyt)
–verb (used with object), -tat⋅ed, -tat⋅ing.
1. to think out; devise; invent.
2. to study intently and carefully in order to grasp or comprehend fully.


Photo Gallery

Okay, everyone!! I've finally got my photo gallery started!! :P I'm working on another one of "other random things I've made", but that's just a sidebar. :) Check out the scarves I've made, which will be going on sale, hopefully, in the next couple of months! (I know, it's about to get hot and humid outside, but hey, remember to get orders in NOW before it's too late before the winter season hits us again!) My scarves are completely homemade, absolutely comfy and warm, and versatile! Women's, Men's, even childrens' scarves! ^_^ Check out the gallery, if you see what you like, then keep checking back until the shop is open and put in your request! :D

Word of the Day:
Gasconade (gas-kuh-neyd)
1. extravagant boasting; boastful talk.
verb (used without object)
2. to boast extravagantly; bluster.



Word of the day:
Hackneyed (hak-nee)
1. Also called hackney coach. a carriage or coach for hire; cab.
2. a trotting horse used for drawing a light carriage or the like.
3. a horse used for ordinary riding or driving.
4. (initial capital letter) one of an English breed of horses having a high-stepping gait.

5. let out, employed, or done for hire.

verb (used with object)
6. to make trite, common, or stale by frequent use.
7. to use as a hackney.



Okay guys, keep it comin'! Buy some movies!!! They're SUPER cheap!! And you know you want some!! ;) Btw, I forgot to mention, but I have an acqaintance (OMG, I know!!) who has dedicated her life to helping others, but was robbed recently. Her life has been turned upside down and she has lost all of her belongings. If you have ever been robbed, burglarized, or even had a virus on your computer, you know how it feels for your personal "space" to be violated. I hate it! I despise those who find pleasure in others' pain! SO, since I don't have a WHOLE lot to help her out with, most of what I make on the movies I sell will be donated to HER So she can buy the things that were stolen away from her! =^_^= Plus, you get awesome movies in the deal! ;) It's a win-win situation!! Bring it!! ^_^

Z's Word of the Day:
Pulchritudinous (puhl-kri-tood-n-uhs)
–adjective physically beautiful; comely.


Movies that have been SOLD so far:
The Matrix Trilogy
The Ring
Pitch Black
The Haunting
Two Moon Junction
Sealab 2021: Season 2
Wolf's Rain: Anime Legends Complete Collection Volume 1
Wolf's Rain: Anime Legends Complete Collection Volume 2
Wolf's Rain: The Complete Manga Box Set (2-book)
Keep buying!! =^_^=



Okay y'all, I've finished posting all the movies and anime I have for sale on here. :P I have also included links to for each of them! ^_^
Please leave me a comment about which movie you want; it's FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!! So sign in now and pick which movie(s) and/or anime you want to buy from me! THIS STUFF IS IN G-R-E-A-T CONDITION!! I'm slightly OCD (yes, friends, laugh it up :P) so I NEVER let any of my movies get beat up, dented, dinged, scratched, or anything else!! 100% satisfaction, guaranteed! ^_^
BROWSE MY SELECTION! Enjoy! Have fun! :D

Word of the Day:
Mondegreen (MON-di-green)
1.A word or phrase resulting from a misinterpretation of a word or phrase that has been heard.


Word of the day

Word of the Day:
1. Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule.
2. One that is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to classify.


I'm selling all my movies on ebay, a little at a time. I have a LOT of anime, so if you like anime, definitely check it out! Shoot, if you like movies at all, check out my selling list about once a week and I'll have new stuff up for grabs at cheap cheap prices!! (If you're a friend of mine, I'll discount the shipping and handling fees.) Everything I own is in MINT condition! Brand New!! Check it out, please! And pass along the info!


Saturday, oh Saturday.

I feel like today wasn't even a Saturday. I spent the day at Dave Ramsey Live with my dad, and as soon as I got home, we had dinner, I gave Syd a bath, and then she and I watched Lady and The Tramp and now she's asleep and I'm about to do the same. It was a whirlwind kind of a day. *sigh* Well, Dave Ramsey is a great speaker, and I really learned a lot from it! I can't wait to get started on the baby steps of the Total Money Makeover!! :D After I get my tax return, I'll have baby step one and two knocked out of the way at the same time! I'll be debt free! Yippee! Well, not like it's a huge feat for me or anything right now, since all I have to pay off is my car. But still! No debt! Yay! I just have to keep reminding myself it's not a quick-fix thing, it's a long-term goal. My first goal is to complete the first three baby steps by this summer! Yeah! It's exciting to think about! Anyway, that's about all I've got for right now. :P Huzzah!

Word of the Day: (in the light of changing mine after hearing Dave Ramsey)
[par-uh-dahym, -dim]
1.One that serves as a pattern or model.
2.A set or list of all the inflectional forms of a word or of one of its grammatical categories: the paradigm of an irregular verb.
3.A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline

Thanks, Dave Ramsey! I can't wait to be debt free and on my way to wealth!

Tonight was fun.

Went to Katy to meet Sylvia and her fam and friends for dinner and margaritas. :) Then went to her fam's house to chill, and played the keyboard with her daughter for most of the evening. Allison is SO talented! I hope she keeps up the keyboard/piano and seriously thinks about voice lessons! She has a gift!! ^_^
Now it's time for bed, as always. :)

Word for the day:
[ses-kwi-pi-dey-lee-uhn, -deyl-yuhn]
1. given to using long words.
2. (of a word) containing many syllables.


Using my blog

Oh yeah, if you're curious, click all over the box of fish at the bottom and you can feed them. It's silly, but highly entertaining to me, so kiss my butt! Also, to play the Tetris game, use the arrow keys (duh) and 'X' to contorl the blocks. 'Q' is quit, and 'H' is pause. Enjoy!


Hooray! I have a blog again!

This is my first blog in years! Hooray! Now it's time for bed! Rest! Zzzzzzzz!
(cuz everything I do has an exclimation point!)

Troglodyte [trog-luh-dahyt]

–noun 1. a prehistoric cave dweller.
2. a person of degraded, primitive, or brutal character.
3. a person living in seclusion.
4. a person unacquainted with affairs of the world.
5. an animal living underground.