Okay, everyone!! I've finally got my photo gallery started!! :P I'm working on another one of "other random things I've made", but that's just a sidebar. :) Check out the scarves I've made, which will be going on sale, hopefully, in the next couple of months! (I know, it's about to get hot and humid outside, but hey, remember to get orders in NOW before it's too late before the winter season hits us again!) My scarves are completely homemade, absolutely comfy and warm, and versatile! Women's, Men's, even childrens' scarves! ^_^ Check out the gallery, if you see what you like, then keep checking back until the shop is open and put in your request! :D
Word of the Day:
Gasconade (gas-kuh-neyd)
1. extravagant boasting; boastful talk.
verb (used without object)
2. to boast extravagantly; bluster.
Word of the day:
Hackneyed (hak-nee)
1. Also called hackney coach. a carriage or coach for hire; cab.
2. a trotting horse used for drawing a light carriage or the like.
3. a horse used for ordinary riding or driving.
4. (initial capital letter) one of an English breed of horses having a high-stepping gait.
5. let out, employed, or done for hire.
verb (used with object)
6. to make trite, common, or stale by frequent use.
7. to use as a hackney.
Hackneyed (hak-nee)
1. Also called hackney coach. a carriage or coach for hire; cab.
2. a trotting horse used for drawing a light carriage or the like.
3. a horse used for ordinary riding or driving.
4. (initial capital letter) one of an English breed of horses having a high-stepping gait.
5. let out, employed, or done for hire.
verb (used with object)
6. to make trite, common, or stale by frequent use.
7. to use as a hackney.
Okay guys, keep it comin'! Buy some movies!!! They're SUPER cheap!! And you know you want some!! ;) Btw, I forgot to mention, but I have an acqaintance (OMG, I know!!) who has dedicated her life to helping others, but was robbed recently. Her life has been turned upside down and she has lost all of her belongings. If you have ever been robbed, burglarized, or even had a virus on your computer, you know how it feels for your personal "space" to be violated. I hate it! I despise those who find pleasure in others' pain! SO, since I don't have a WHOLE lot to help her out with, most of what I make on the movies I sell will be donated to HER So she can buy the things that were stolen away from her! =^_^= Plus, you get awesome movies in the deal! ;) It's a win-win situation!! Bring it!! ^_^
Z's Word of the Day:
Pulchritudinous (puhl-kri-tood-n-uhs)
–adjective physically beautiful; comely.
Z's Word of the Day:
Pulchritudinous (puhl-kri-tood-n-uhs)
–adjective physically beautiful; comely.
Movies that have been SOLD so far:
The Matrix Trilogy
The Ring
Pitch Black
Pitch Black
The Haunting
Two Moon Junction
Sealab 2021: Season 2
Wolf's Rain: Anime Legends Complete Collection Volume 1
Wolf's Rain: Anime Legends Complete Collection Volume 2
Wolf's Rain: The Complete Manga Box Set (2-book)
Keep buying!! =^_^=
Okay y'all, I've finished posting all the movies and anime I have for sale on here. :P I have also included links to Amazon.com for each of them! ^_^
Please leave me a comment about which movie you want; it's FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!! So sign in now and pick which movie(s) and/or anime you want to buy from me! THIS STUFF IS IN G-R-E-A-T CONDITION!! I'm slightly OCD (yes, friends, laugh it up :P) so I NEVER let any of my movies get beat up, dented, dinged, scratched, or anything else!! 100% satisfaction, guaranteed! ^_^
BROWSE MY SELECTION! Enjoy! Have fun! :D
Word of the Day:
Mondegreen (MON-di-green)
1.A word or phrase resulting from a misinterpretation of a word or phrase that has been heard.
Please leave me a comment about which movie you want; it's FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!! So sign in now and pick which movie(s) and/or anime you want to buy from me! THIS STUFF IS IN G-R-E-A-T CONDITION!! I'm slightly OCD (yes, friends, laugh it up :P) so I NEVER let any of my movies get beat up, dented, dinged, scratched, or anything else!! 100% satisfaction, guaranteed! ^_^
BROWSE MY SELECTION! Enjoy! Have fun! :D
Word of the Day:
Mondegreen (MON-di-green)
1.A word or phrase resulting from a misinterpretation of a word or phrase that has been heard.
Word of the day
Word of the Day:
1. Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule.
2. One that is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to classify.
1. Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule.
2. One that is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to classify.

I'm selling all my movies on ebay, a little at a time. I have a LOT of anime, so if you like anime, definitely check it out! Shoot, if you like movies at all, check out my selling list about once a week and I'll have new stuff up for grabs at cheap cheap prices!! (If you're a friend of mine, I'll discount the shipping and handling fees.) Everything I own is in MINT condition! Brand New!! Check it out, please! And pass along the info!
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